Specialization 22 - Micro-, Nano-, Optoelectronics

The performance of computers, advances in automation technology, the realization of integrated sensor systems and mixed-signal devices or self-sufficient energy supply units such as micro fuel cells and batteries would be inconceivable without micro, nano and optotechnology. Materials science and technology development form the basis for electrical engineering and information technology products. Economic success depends decisively on the possibilities of technological implementation in innovative components and their embedding in overall electrotechnical and electronic systems. Micro-, nano- and optoelectronics in particular are at the beginning of a fascinating and rapid development that will have a decisive impact on technical progress in the 21st century.
Our goal is to give you, in addition to a profound special knowledge, an insight into the current research and development of the individual areas, in order to be able to work creatively in the field of tension between the most modern high technologies and the art of engineering. Therefore, in the master's program, the basic knowledge from the bachelor's program will be supplemented and deepened by an extensive range of advanced lectures, especially in the field of micro-, nano- and optoelectronics.
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