
M.Sc. David Benedikt Ritzer

  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Institute of Microstructure Technology
    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen


Laserbasierte Verschaltung und Strukturierung von Perowskit-Solarmodulen. Dissertation
Ritzer, D. B.
2024, September 12. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000174153
Controlling Thin Film Morphology Formation during Gas Quenching of Slot-Die Coated Perovskite Solar Modules
Geistert, K.; Ternes, S.; Ritzer, D. B.; Paetzold, U. W.
2023. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 15 (45), 52519–52529. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c11923
Void-free buried interface for scalable processing of p-i-n-based FAPbI3 perovskite solar modules
Hu, H.; Ritzer, D. B.; Diercks, A.; Li, Y.; Singh, R.; Fassl, P.; Jin, Q.; Schackmar, F.; Paetzold, U. W.; Nejand, B. A.
2023. Joule, 7 (7), 1574–1592. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2023.05.017
Translucent perovskite photovoltaics for building integration
Ritzer, D. B.; Abdollahi Nejand, B.; Ruiz-Preciado, M. A.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Hu, H.; Diercks, A.; Feeney, T.; Richards, B. S.; Abzieher, T.; Paetzold, U. W.
2023. Energy & Environmental Science, 16 (5), 2212–2225. doi:10.1039/D2EE04137E
Evaporated Self‐Assembled Monolayer Hole Transport Layers: Lossless Interfaces in p‐i‐n Perovskite Solar Cells
Farag, A.; Feeney, T.; Hossain, I. M.; Schackmar, F.; Fassl, P.; Küster, K.; Bäuerle, R.; Ruiz-Preciado, M. A.; Hentschel, M.; Ritzer, D. B.; Diercks, A.; Li, Y.; Nejand, B. A.; Laufer, F.; Singh, R.; Starke, U.; Paetzold, U. W.
2023. Advanced Energy Materials, 13 (8), Art.-Nr.: 2203982. doi:10.1002/aenm.202203982
Scalable two-terminal all-perovskite tandem solar modules with a 19.1% efficiency
Abdollahi Nejand, B.; Ritzer, D. B.; Hu, H.; Schackmar, F.; Moghadamzadeh, S.; Feeney, T.; Singh, R.; Laufer, F.; Schmager, R.; Azmi, R.; Kaiser, M.; Abzieher, T.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Ahlswede, E.; Lemmer, U.; Richards, B. S.; Paetzold, U. W.
2022. Nature Energy, 7, 620–630. doi:10.1038/s41560-022-01059-w
Perovskite Solar Cells with Vivid, Angle‐Invariant and Customizable Inkjet‐printed Colorization for Building‐Integrated Photovoltaics
Eggers, H.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Koch, S.; Schackmar, F.; Ritzer, D.; Abzieher, T.; Richards, B. S.; Erban, C.; Paetzold, U. W.
2022. Solar RRL, 6 (4), Art.-Nr.: 2100897. doi:10.1002/solr.202100897
InO:H-Based Hole-Transport-Layer-Free Tin/Lead Perovskite Solar Cells for Efficient Four-Terminal All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Moghadamzadeh, S.; Hossain, I. M.; Loy, M.; Ritzer, D. B.; Hu, H.; Hauschild, D.; Mertens, A.; Becker, J.-P.; Haghighirad, A. A.; Ahlswede, E.; Weinhardt, L.; Lemmer, U.; Nejand, B. A.; Paetzold, U. W.
2021. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13 (39), 46488–46498. doi:10.1021/acsami.1c06457
Upscaling of perovskite solar modules: The synergy of fully evaporated layer fabrication and all‐laser‐scribed interconnections
Ritzer, D. B.; Abzieher, T.; Basibüyük, A.; Feeney, T.; Laufer, F.; Ternes, S.; Richards, B. S.; Bergfeld, S.; Paetzold, U. W.
2021. Progress in photovoltaics, 30 (4), 360–373. doi:10.1002/pip.3489
Liquid glass for photovoltaics: multi-functional front cover glass for solar modules
Langenhorst, M.; Ritzer, D.; Kotz, F.; Risch, P.; Dottermusch, S.; Roslizar, A.; Schmager, R.; Richards, B. S.; Rapp, B. E.; Paetzold, U. W.
2019. ACS applied materials & interfaces, acsami.9b12896. doi:10.1021/acsami.9b12896