
M.Sc. Felix Laufer

  • Engesserstrasse 13, Geb. 30.34
    76131 Karlsruhe


Repeatable Perovskite Solar Cells through Fully Automated Spin-Coating and Quenching
Baumann, D. O.; Laufer, F.; Roger, J.; Singh, R.; Gholipoor, M.; Paetzold, U. W.
2024. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (40), 54007–54016. doi:10.1021/acsami.4c13024
Danger in the Dark: Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells with Varied Stoichiometries and Morphologies Stressed at Various Conditions
Singh, R.; Hu, H.; Feeney, T.; Diercks, A.; Laufer, F.; Li, Y.; Schackmar, F. R.; Abdollahi Nejand, B.; Paetzold, U.
2024. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 16 (21), 27450–27462. doi:10.1021/acsami.4c04350
Modeling and Fundamental Dynamics of Vacuum, Gas, and Antisolvent Quenching for Scalable Perovskite Processes
Ternes, S.; Laufer, F.; Paetzold, U. W.
2024. Advanced Science, 11 (14), Art.-Nr.: 2308901. doi:10.1002/advs.202308901
Triple-junction perovskite–perovskite–silicon solar cells with power conversion efficiency of 24.4%
Hu, H.; An, S. X.; Li, Y.; Orooji, S.; Singh, R.; Schackmar, F.; Laufer, F.; Jin, Q.; Feeney, T.; Diercks, A.; Gota, F.; Moghadamzadeh, S.; Pan, T.; Rienäcker, M.; Peibst, R.; Nejand, B. A.; Paetzold, U. W.
2024. Energy & Environmental Science, 17 (8), 2800 – 2814. doi:10.1039/d3ee03687a
Discovering Process Dynamics for Scalable Perovskite Solar Cell Manufacturing with Explainable AI
Klein, L.; Ziegler, S.; Laufer, F.; Debus, C.; Götz, M.; Maier-Hein, K.; Paetzold, U. W.; Isensee, F.; Jäger, P. F.
2024. Advanced Materials, 36 (7), Art.-Nr.: 2307160. doi:10.1002/adma.202307160
Intensity Dependent Photoluminescence Imaging for In‐Line Quality Control of Perovskite Thin Film Processing
Hacene, B.; Laufer, F.; Ternes, S.; Farag, A.; Pappenberger, R.; Fassl, P.; Moghadamzadeh, S.; Nejand, B. A.; Feeney, T.; Howard, I.; Paetzold, U. W.
2024. Advanced Materials Technologies, 9 (11), Art.-Nr.: 2301279. doi:10.1002/admt.202301279
Understanding Scalable Perovskite Solar Cell Manufacturing with Explainable AI
Klein, L.; Ziegler, S.; Laufer, F.; Debus, C.; Götz, M.; Maier-Hein, K.; Paetzold, U.; Isensee, F.; Jaeger, P.
Process Insights into Perovskite Thin‐Film Photovoltaics from Machine Learning with In Situ Luminescence Data
Laufer, F.; Ziegler, S.; Schackmar, F.; Viteri, E. A. M.; Götz, M.; Debus, C.; Isensee, F.; Paetzold, U. W.
2023. Solar RRL, 7 (7), Art.-Nr.: 2201114. doi:10.1002/solr.202201114
In Situ Process Monitoring and Multichannel Imaging for Vacuum‐Assisted Growth Control of Inkjet‐Printed and Blade‐Coated Perovskite Thin‐Films
Schackmar, F.; Laufer, F.; Singh, R.; Farag, A.; Eggers, H.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Abdollahi Nejand, B.; Lemmer, U.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.; Paetzold, U. W.
2023. Advanced Materials Technologies, 8 (5), Art.-Nr.: 2201331. doi:10.1002/admt.202201331
Evaporated Self‐Assembled Monolayer Hole Transport Layers: Lossless Interfaces in p‐i‐n Perovskite Solar Cells
Farag, A.; Feeney, T.; Hossain, I. M.; Schackmar, F.; Fassl, P.; Küster, K.; Bäuerle, R.; Ruiz-Preciado, M. A.; Hentschel, M.; Ritzer, D. B.; Diercks, A.; Li, Y.; Nejand, B. A.; Laufer, F.; Singh, R.; Starke, U.; Paetzold, U. W.
2023. Advanced Energy Materials, 13 (8), Art.-Nr.: 2203982. doi:10.1002/aenm.202203982
Correlative In Situ Multichannel Imaging for Large-Area Monitoring of Morphology Formation in Solution-Processed Perovskite Layers
Ternes, S.; Laufer, F.; Scharfer, P.; Schabel, W.; Richards, B. S.; Howard, I. A.; Paetzold, U. W.
2022. Solar RRL, 6 (3), Art.-Nr. 2100353. doi:10.1002/solr.202100353
Scalable two-terminal all-perovskite tandem solar modules with a 19.1% efficiency
Abdollahi Nejand, B.; Ritzer, D. B.; Hu, H.; Schackmar, F.; Moghadamzadeh, S.; Feeney, T.; Singh, R.; Laufer, F.; Schmager, R.; Azmi, R.; Kaiser, M.; Abzieher, T.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Ahlswede, E.; Lemmer, U.; Richards, B. S.; Paetzold, U. W.
2022. Nature Energy, 7, 620–630. doi:10.1038/s41560-022-01059-w
Laminated Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Photovoltaics
Roger, J.; Schorn, L. K.; Heydarian, M.; Farag, A.; Feeney, T.; Baumann, D.; Hu, H.; Laufer, F.; Duan, W.; Ding, K.; Lambertz, A.; Fassl, P.; Worgull, M.; Paetzold, U. W.
2022. Advanced Energy Materials, 12 (27), Art.-Nr. 2200961. doi:10.1002/aenm.202200961
Monolithic Two-Terminal Perovskite/CIS Tandem Solar Cells with Efficiency Approaching 25%
Ruiz-Preciado, M. A.; Gota, F.; Fassl, P.; Hossain, I. M.; Singh, R.; Laufer, F.; Schackmar, F.; Feeney, T.; Farag, A.; Allegro, I.; Hu, H.; Gharibzadeh, S.; Nejand, B. A.; Gevaerts, V. S.; Simor, M.; Bolt, P. J.; Paetzold, U. W.
2022. ACS Energy Letters, 7 (7), 2273–2281. doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.2c00707
In situ reflectance- photoluminescence imaging on solution-processed perovskite thin-films
Ternes, S.; Laufer, F.; Scharfer, P.; Schabel, W.; Richards, B. S.; Howard, I. A.; Paetzold, U.
2021. 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1472–1475, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/PVSC43889.2021.9518569
Upscaling of perovskite solar modules: The synergy of fully evaporated layer fabrication and all‐laser‐scribed interconnections
Ritzer, D. B.; Abzieher, T.; Basibüyük, A.; Feeney, T.; Laufer, F.; Ternes, S.; Richards, B. S.; Bergfeld, S.; Paetzold, U. W.
2021. Progress in photovoltaics, 30 (4), 360–373. doi:10.1002/pip.3489
Smartphone‐Based Luminescent Thermometry via Temperature‐Sensitive Delayed Fluorescence from GdOS:Eu
Katumo, N.; Gao, G.; Laufer, F.; Richards, B. S.; Howard, I. A.
2020. Advanced optical materials, 8 (19), Art.Nr. 2000507. doi:10.1002/adom.202000507